Tic Tac!!!

Tic Tac!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reaching a Goal!

It has been a bit since I published a post, but it is high time I get back into the habit.  I post this blog today, since I am a hairs breathe, from getting my A.S. in Computer Science. I plan on going on to my four-year degree, with that being said, I need to get back into my computer and all the things it can do.

The A.C.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Words can be written
spoken or read.
Words can be seen
heard or spread.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


The section of the book I am most excited about, the stuff I have read and worked for years.  Where do I start??  My own work or someone famous????

Here is a start:
Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday Night Excitment

I am feeling very happy for getting appointed to an officer's position within a group me and my wife are involved in.  I get to hold the position for a year and during the year I am hoping to help raise enough money to do wonderful things.
All the new officer's were sworn in, and our goals were covered for the new year.  I know that from what I see we will do this year, I hope to get all of our goals met and exceeded!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Makes you think.

After watching the video and reading Nikka's blog, I really had to take a second and think about I felt.
I am very open minded and have never had ill feeling towards anyone sexual beliefs.  I try not to judge anyone on very much, unless it hurts children or animals.
To me I think no one should be able to deny anyone from marriage.  If it is not effecting or affecting your way of life in your household, butt out!!
I try not to let other peoples judgements change how I see people, I have had people in the past tell me why I should not like this person oe that person.  I stop hanging out with the person who told me that.  For I never know what they are saying to people about me!!
I hope people can just go by their heart, not by what others tell them too!! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shakespeare~Othello and any other works by him.

To me any work by Shakespeare is great to read.  I may not be able to undetrstand it the first time through, so I always try to read his work two to three times, to fully get all the meanings and hidden jabs.
Since I know he always tried to add something extra, not just what the words say.  I like to also read up to what others say about a pieces. 
From going through Shakespeare's works I like to see how another writer puts thier work, and if I could ever match his skill and mastery of the turn of a word.  I know as a modren writer, I could never been seen at his level.  I do not know many writers today who could. 
I will keep trying until I no longer write, to try to reach a point where I would be proud to show him my work.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Play's, Shakespeare, and more Play's!!!

          I have seen many plays from live theater in college to professional performing arts center productions.  The last college plays I saw was: “Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens”; I knew a lot of the cast and was able to see behind the scenes as it was coming together.  My last professional play was Bram Stoker’s Dracula; I was in a theater class and we got to meet the cast and find out things that they have done as the show traveled.  Though for me plays are just plays but Shakespeare is the top, no other playwright has reached that level.  Though I do not believe Shakespeare himself saw it that way.   
 Since starting Othello, I have looked up more information about the story and found out it was based on another Italian short story called “Un Capitano Moro” (A Moorish Captain) written by Cinthio; (Giovanni Battista Giraldi 1504-1573) he was considered a disciple of  Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375).
They believe Shakespeare wrote “Othello” around 1603, where Cinthio’s “Un Capitano Moro” was first published in 1565, both works revolves around four central characters.  Each wove a tale of racism, love, jealousy and deep betrayal!
Though the main character is always:
The Moor~ a dark-skinned, African prince who lives in a European, color-prejudiced society, where he holds the rank of general in the Venetian military.
Due to the themes is explores Othello is still often preformed in professional and community theaters, as well as has been the basis for many operatic, film and literary adaptations.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Starting to read Othello, for the first time. I see alot of hidden jabs throughout the piece.  Shakespear liked to put added meaning into his writing.  I have only dealt with Shakespear in small doses, so this will be the first time I read through a complete play or piece.
I look forward do going through this play, I will keep my eyes open for any hidden meanings or jabs at people. Here is a couple I have found so far:


"Thou art a villian-You are- a senator." (Act 1, Scene 1)

"For if such actions may have passage free, bond-slave and pagans shall our statemen be." (Act 1, Scene 2)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Movie based on a short story.

“The things they carried”
            The short story I would turn into a movie, it would have to be: “The things they carried.”  I would do in the style of Stanley Kubrick in “Full metal Jacket” and Francis Ford Coppola in “Apocalypse Now/Apocalypse Now (Redux)”.   Both carry the Vietnam War into stark, realistic places; yet allow their characters to redeem their own humanity.
For my cast:

Jimmy Cross: David Boranaz
Bob Kiely: Carmine Gioinazzo
Norman Bowker:  Eric Szmanda
Henry Dobbins: Conan Stevens
Kiowa: Adam Beach
Mitchell Sanders: Eddie Cahill
Ted Lavender: Gary Sinise
Martha: Holly Marie Combs
Dave Jensen: A. J. Buckley
Lee Strunk: Christian Slater

This story hits home with me from people I know that have lived through Vietnam.  I can relate on how O’Brien breaks down how much each item weighs, from hearing stories from my friends explaining what they carried.  From what they have told me, your items and space were something you needed to keep on top of.
Video’s I was use would be:


         Though the last video is a scene fron Predator, it seemed like something you would see during Vietnam.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

"The Lottery"

"The Lottery"

Shirley Jackson's has put so much into this short story that to me it is worth reading many times over.

The use of foreshadowing was something that makes this story interesting.  You could tell something was there, but not right away.  This gave you time to get more involved in the story before it was revealed.

Her usage of names meaning more than just the peoples name.  This was very smart by the way she did this, not putting anyone singled out, just speaking their names as one of the town folk.  You had to look closely at the names to see the double menaing.

The ending itself of the story gives you a good jolt.  You see what is happening, just like the people in the story, yet seem helpless to stop it.  Then once it happens you wonder, why?

The only answer most of us can say is...because!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A nod to Hemingway

I thought after seeing the piece on Hemingway’s gravesite, I thought I would do a nod to him for my post for this week.

“Enigma of Emily”

An air of mystery in black,
The split on respect the men revere and the lady’s lack.
Father sees her as perfect and frail,
What she thinks of the townsfolk’s curiosity, they can go to Hell!

 Tobe feels she is deserving of devotion and care,
Trustworthy and reserved the brunt of her life he would bare.
Homer independent and fun-loving with is head held high,
Cigar and bowler, reins and whip; never knew he was to die!

Her home open after her death heavy with dust and disuse,
The women swoop in and the lips of gossip are loose.
The grisly and morbid scene of the love affair,
The tender tomb with the indented pillow and the iron-grey hair!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Santa's Helper

“Santa’s Helper”

Dream a Dream,
A funny little dream.
Hope and pray,
Get down on your knees I say.

For it is Christmas time,
I hope you see caution in my rhyme.
Santa’s watching; He’s watching us close; he’s got his eyes and ears everywhere,
He’s the friendly “Yule Tide Ghost!”

So heed my words and watch out,
He’s got a list and checking it without a doubt.
His bags are stuffed with gifts; and his elves ain’t no rookies,
Oh by the way; Santa says:
“Better leave him some Milk and Cookies!”



The world is a large place,
Most of us will never see the whole face.
Worst of all if you are blind,
You must look with your mind.

As we speak of the mind’s eye,
Almost all the blind ask “why?”.
As it is said the blind see more color that us all,
We shun and avoid all types of handicaps with a weak stall.

Fear, anger, depression, hate,
Is this to be humanity’s fate?
The blind are the lucky ones to me,
They don’t see the poorly picture.

Don’t you see?

The Problem

“The Problem”

          One day I had a problem and I looked far and wide for the answer.  I was blue for I knew not what to do.  So I went to the King to ask if he could tell me the answer, but alas he was mystified. He yelled for his Wisemen; “Come Forth; and give me the solution.”  Again I was met with blank looks, they were dumbfounded.
          As we were all looking at the others with confusions on our faces; we heard a laugh and a jingle of bells.  The Jester came prancing down the hall.  He looked at me and said:
          “Fine Sir; you need not ask others the answer to your problems; for you know what ails ye.”
          “Just ask yourself if for the problem is we; for if I was to ask for the answer; it would be me!”
                                      “Don’t you see?”

Pity's Sake

“Pity’s Sake”
I start this sad tale of a man; we shall call him “Pity”,
He had friends but alas (excuse my French) treated them shitty.
Now as tales go he was go higher ways,
When another came into his light; his fake shell cracked in waves.
The act of high polish veneer, showed the true plywood,
His course words that tired to wedge a gap did no good.
Try as Pity might to act above and beyond,
His thumb and a nap still severed him well; if he’d been up too long!
Now we see he took his ball and went home as a child will do,
He is with his friends; as many or as few?
Pout as he may; we will give him a break,
We will smile and nod for Pity’s sake!



As a young boy I heard the poem “Footprints”,
I have tried to live my life like that ever since.
Everyone needs God in their heart,
That is my part.

As I got older I have left my childish way,
Being a man I feel no shame when I pray.
I do not know where or how old I will be when it ends,
All I know is that I will have to atone for my sins.

When I alone walking around,
I notice the peace I have found.
Sometimes I just stop and stand,
When I look back,
I vaguely see,
Two sets of prints in the sand.